Rise Up, Leader Cohort 2024

Rise Up, Leader Cohort - Escaping the Management Conundrum


Rise Up, Leader Cohort — New Group Starting Soon!
Escaping the Management Conundrum

ALCA has partnered with Wide Awake Business, an ALCA Corporate Partner, to provide a series of structured group training courses, called the Rise Up, Leader Cohort specifically focusing on the management conundrum.

Who is this for? If you are a Business Owner who is relatively new or a Supervisor, Director, or Manager who leads and/or directs a group of Aging Life Care Managers this is the program for YOU!

The Cohort — Group coaching, training & support

  • 11 group sessions, a max of 2 hours each
  • Meet every 3 weeks over 11 months
  • 6-8 people per cohort

If you are managing a team, or you have a staff member managing a team, or you plan on hiring a staff member to manage the team – this program is developed with you in mind.

Cohorts meet every 3 weeks for 11 sessions to discuss team leadership, bring real HR issues to the table, hear from the experts . . . Rise Up, Management and Team Leadership. Each Cohort member will create a leadership project to be implemented within the organization or within the community.

If you missed the Informational Webinar and are looking for more details - you can view it now.

COHORT VS MASTERMIND — What’s the difference?

  • Cohort is a group of people who have something in common and during a specific time, with a trainer or facilitator, work on one topic, for example Leadership.
  • Mastermind is a peer-to-peer mentoring group used to help business owners solve problems with input and advice from the other group members.

WAB has been Interviewing Aging Life Care Managers to create a tailored syllabus that fits YOU. 

Our number 1 job as Leaders is to Rise Up those around us!

WAB has interviewed 10 ALCM owners and 8 Supervisors so far: here is some feedback they have collected.

  • Supervisors need to be on top of their game with clinical skills.
  • Difficult conversations.
  • Completing assessments and writing Care Plans – but most importantly – how to train new Aging Life Care Managers (ALCMs) to complete these tasks.
  • ALCM supervisors need training in having Critical Conversations with ALCMs - such as discussing performance issues.
  • Managing different folks with different styles of communication and motivation.
  • Skill development for supervisors in how to write performance reviews with specific goals for performance expectations.
  • Time Management and billing for all time spent on client issues is critical.
  • Relationship building and the importance of open, positive and regular communication with referral and potential referral sources.
  • Knowledge and skills in conflict resolution.
  • Code of Ethics versus Core Competencies.
  • Differences in supervision/management.
  • Different management styles if the employee is contract, hourly, part-time, or full time.
  • How to motivate different styles of ALCMs.

Tentative syllabus

Session 1: Setting our alliance and orientation, review of your role in the company; key opportunities you are facing; what brought you to this Cohort; review of communication styles. What is your leadership style? What do you want it to be? Rank themselves.

Session 2 & 3: Learn how to facilitate a Game changing conversation (or difficult conversations) using listening skills, questioning skills, and leading with curiosity.

Session 4: How to Communicate to each individual team member so they feel heard, understood, and appreciated. Designed to increase productivity and consistency. Team Communication Assessment – understand the communication styles of your team and clients, afford a better relationship with clients and the team, and build on a positive culture. Facilitation Guide and tools to take your team through the exercise.

Session 5: ALCA Ethics and their connection to Core Competencies. Review ALCA ethics and begin to intertwine them with an ALCM’s core competencies.

Session 6: Create or use existing – How to use Company values to build sustainable intentional Culture - understand how Culture is positively impacted by Living Values – Bring your organizational values, ask yourself how your see the organizational values working in your company, ask your team to explain their personal top 3 values, and create a meeting where the team reviews personal values and corporate values. Values champion every meeting.

Session 7: Accountability and Responsibility – Understand the tools you must use to hold accountability and responsibility. Plan and Reviews, alignment to goals and values.

Session 8: Learn tools of the trade – Time Management, Spot Coaching, Meeting protocol, and more.

Session 9: Delegation Leadership (to get your life back) – A, B, C skill sets of your entire staff – Delegation process, use form to determine leadership moves – and manage to the delegation moves.

Session 10: Performance Improvement Process how to administer the process. The "Do's" and "Do not's'". Documentation and communication. Presenting the Growth Evaluation process.

Session 11: Learn the 5 tools of conflict resolution so everyone feels heard, valued, and appreciated even in the heat of the conversation.


Two pricing options - pay in full at time of registration and save!

Full payment with Registration – Members $4,800 / Non-Members $5,405

11 monthly installments (first at time of registration + 10 monthly w/cc on file) – Members $450 per month ($4,950) / Non-Members $505 per month ($5,555)

If you want to hear more or have questions, contact [email protected]

Login and click on the 'Register Myself' button to register online, or download the form below and follow the instructions to complete your Registration.

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6/6/2024 - 12/31/2024
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