As part of the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) 2018 strategic plan, the Board has accepted the recommendations that ALCA develop strong partnerships and relationships with national organizations providing services to the aging consumer such as the Alzheimer’s Association, National Association of Estate Planners and Councils (NAEPC), and National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).

One way to establish and grow these relationships is to have a presence at the National conferences of these individual organizations. To that end, we are looking to develop a list of speakers who are willing and able to represent the Aging Life Care Association as well as offer a content-rich and appropriate presentation. We are also looking to expand visibility through webinar presentations.

This opportunity is reserved for Advanced Professional and Emeritus members only.

The process is as follows:

  • ALCA receives a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) from the presenting association, the Education Committee targets an organization to find an opportunity for a RFP, or an ALCA member presents an opportunity to the Education Committee.
  • The Education Committee, in consultation with the Association President and staff, identify a potential presenter from the speaker list.
  • IIf the presenter is interested and available, he/she develops a proposal on an educational topic that would be of interest to the expected audience. Note: An invitation to represent ALCA is not to be construed as a guarantee that a proposal will be accepted.
  • If the proposal is selected:
    • Presenter to create a PowerPoint presentation which will include the brief speaker slide series about ALCA provided by National.
    • Education committee members can be available to assist in supporting the member in their preparation for the presentation.
    • ALCA may provide up to $500 in reimbursement costs. It is assumed that the speaker will make his/her own travel arrangements and will also be responsible for any registration fees if they attend the conference beyond the day of the presentation.
  • If available, conference evaluations should be shared with ALCA in order to receive reimbursement, and to ensure the highest quality representation for the association.

What are the benefits of participating as an ALCA speaking representative, both for the organization and the individual care manager?

  • Promotion of the care management profession
  • Leadership development
  • Networking and increased visibility of your practice
  • Honing of speaker skills
  • Benefit of obtaining CEUs if offered by the presenting association
  • Credit towards requirements for an ALCA Fellow

Speakers must remember that the main priority is to represent the Aging Life Care Association and not their personal practice. If you are interested, please complete the following application and return to [email protected].

To assist the ALCA Education Committee collect data on the number and types of presentations given by our members, please complete the Member Presentation Summary Form each time you give a presentation.