Position Paper
Social Security & Pensions

Aging Life Care Managers® … coordinating services to optimize health and quality of life.

The Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA) is an organization of practitioners who use a holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults or others facing ongoing health or other challenges of aging and/or disabilities. ALCA is committed to maximizing the independence and autonomy of clients and strives to ensure the highest quality and most cost-effective health and human services. Members help clients and their families cope with challenges faced by people with disabilities and older adults through education, advocacy, counseling, and service delivery.

Social Security & Pensions

Social Security is the cornerstone of the nation’s minimum income guarantee system for America’s older adults and people with disabilities. Most older Americans receive monthly Social Security benefits, which may provide for some of the person’s financial needs. For many seniors, Social Security benefits are supplemented by employer- sponsored or individual defined contribution plans and retirement savings.

I. Social Security

A. ALCA advocates:

  1. The Social Security trust funds must be protected, secured and invested for the maximum benefit of all beneficiaries.
  2. Social Security, Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance (RSDI) and SSI benefits be maintained at least at their present levels. Regular cost of living increases must be guaranteed and the calculation should reflect the true change in the cost of living for the beneficiaries.
  3. The eligibility criteria for all classes of benefits currently paid under Title II of the Social Security Act be maintained at least at their present levels.
  4. The earning limitations imposed on Social Security beneficiaries be removed.
  5. The Social Security Administration annual administrative budget allocation be adequate to ensure timely service to all current and potential Social Security beneficiaries.

B. ALCA supports: a continuing role for Social Security (RSDI) in meeting the income needs of older adults and people with disabilities and their survivors.

II. Pensions

A. ALCA advocates:

  1. Employer sponsored pension funds be maintained in insured accounts.
  2. Employer sponsored retirement funds be transferable when an employee leaves his/her position with that employer.
  3. All employees have access to a retirement savings program—either through an employer sponsored plan or through an automated individual retirement account plan.

B. ALCA supports: the maximizing of access, due process rights, and remedies under individual and employer retirement benefit plans.

Approved by the Aging Life Care Association Board of Directors 1.26.2024