South Central Chapter: Benefits

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Chapter Involvement: There are several committees in the chapter working to enhance what the South Central Chapter has to offer its members. If you are a member and would like to get involved please contact one of the current committee chairs and join in.

Professional Development: The Chapter keeps you abreast about the latest methodology, research, legislation, information and practice techniques in Aging Life Care™ / geriatric care management, helping you better serve your clients.

Peer Case Conferencing Schedule: The South Central chapter has scheduled Peer Case Conferencing calls for its members. Members can participate in the Case Conferencing calls to continue to provide quality care to their clients. The schedule and instructions for these calls is in the Peer Case Conferences tab.

Newsletter: The chapter provides a regular newsletter on up to date events within the chapter and articles on topics to enhance skill levels. You may submit ideas for articles in upcoming newsletters to Ann Pruski. Previous editions can be seen here.