Midwest Chapter: Chapter Organization

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The MWGCM is a non-profit entity with a Board of Directors consisting of a slate of members elected on routine basis. The Board has three officers: President, President-Elect/Vice-President, Treasurer/Secretary and Past President. The rest of the board, currently at 8 members, are elected from the Midwest ALCA chapter membership. Midwest Chapter Board Members.

In addition to the larger chapter, Local Units provide a means for Aging Life Care Managers® to meet face-to-face, share resources, provide support, and network with other professionals serving older adults. The Units provide the Aging Life Care Managers® with news, ideas, struggles, and successes from members “on the ground.” If you want to participate at the local unit level contact a leader in your area, view Unit Leader List, and check out our list of committees to get involved, view Midwest Committee memberships.

Each year chapter members run for open board positions.